IC DK*Dan-Queen Iris and SC SE*Lisselbacks Giovanni, JW
7 kittens arrived on January 26th 2020.
This is such an exciting combination; our fine IC DK * Dan-Queen Iris and the world’s second most beautiful Forest Cat, the magical SC SE * Lisselbacks Giovanni, JW. This is Giovanni’s very first litter and that is extra exciting.
Iris had a sonogram on day 24 and the veterinarian found six bundles of love, and on day 65 came six healthy kittens. And 24 hours later came kitten number seven (!), the biggest of them all – Avivaz Surprise. Iris had gained 1900 grams, which is a lot and it made me somewhat nervous, but the last kitten explained it all.
And now they are here, and it will be a joyride to follow their development! I am very grateful to Giovanni’s breeder and owner Helena Widenby at Lisselbacks for making this combination happen 🙏
The Norse Litter
Sunday 19 April 2020 (w 12)
From the left: Fenja, Frej, Menja, Odin, Tyr, Mimer and Balder. Photo: Anna Berglund