Affectionate Iris
Having searched well over a year for an excellent, black smoke female, I finally set eyes on Iris; an absolutely adorable girl who stole my heart at the very first glance. She is bred by Dorthe Ellgard in Jutland, Denmark. I’m so grateful to Dorthe for trusting me with this precious girl.
Iris has been successful at the shows. She became Champion in June 2018, just over a year old. Iris has a solid pedigree and her only litter sibling IC DK * Dan-Queen Ivan became International Champion in the spring of 2018. He is now breeding sire at Marion Völker in Germany.
Iris is a bundle of love who likes to cuddle on the couch. Usually she does not come up with tricks or mischief, she rather carries herself with peace and quiet, without being dull. She enjoys visits by dogs, cats and people. She is an easy-to-handle, cuddly cat with her heart in the right place and loves to be petted. She enjoys watching her best friend Doris come up with new ideas and frolics. It is such a delight to see two so different personalities being such amazing friends.
Iris first litter was the Ghost Litter. SC S * Utblicken’s Trisse was the Sire. Trisse is a beautiful, blue spotted male with a wonderfully solid and loving temper. He also breeds large, well grown offspring and for sure, he did not disappoint us. Iris got six large, fine males. I am so grateful to Ylva Ehrenbåge at Utblicken’s for letting us use Trisse.
CH * Avivaz Boo Boo stays in the cattery.
In September 2019 Iris earned her IC title at DARAK’s exhibition in Haslev – Denmark. At the present moment, she is expecting kittens by the end of January 2020. A very exciting combination that I look forward enormously; our fine IC DK * Dan-Queen Iris and the world’s second most beautiful Norwegian Forest Cat, the magical SC SE * Lisselbacks Giovanni, JW! At the sonogram on day 24, the veterinarian found six little kittens that we hope all will come out healthy and fine by the end of January 2020. This will be Giovanni’s very first litter and we are so thankful to Helena Widenby at Lisselbacks who let us him. Big thanks to you 🙏